This is 1 of a 5-Series titled: "Advanced Play Calling Strategies"
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Rich Hargitt is the head coach at Emmett High School in Emmett, Idaho. The Huskies have won back-to-back conference championships, IN SPITE OF playing schools MUCH bigger than them almost every single week,
In this video series, he shares the strategies that have almost DOUBLED their points per game the past three seasons.
PLUS - Learn from Coach Josh Lucas and Derek Pennington, who have their own unique spin on spread and up-tempo offense in the final two videos in this series.
Play Calling to Avoid 3rd Down
This clinic talk covers
- Why getting just ONE YARD on first down is the difference between ending the drive with a punt and ending the drive with a score.
- How to get the defense to start doing REALLY dumb things against you.
- A step-by-step process on how to call plays in all areas of the field.
- Why time of possession matters A LOT more than it used
Check out the free preview of this presentation below: