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Formations in the Wing-T Offense

Posted by Gavin Southworth on

Every offense needs ways that they can break tendencies and change the look that they’re giving the defense from snap to snap.

One of the easiest ways to do this is by implementing formation variations of the same play, which add layers to your offense while still keeping it simple enough.

Coach David Weathersby of Triton High School (NC) has one of the best statistical offenses in his conference every single year and in this article, we’re going to discuss some of the formation variations that he implemented into his school record breaking offense in 2022.

Watch the video below or scroll down to learn more about the different formations in the Wing-T offense.

Left and Right Wing-T Formation Calls

Triton calls their formation variations in front of their three digit play calls. For example, if coach Weathersby wants to run 121 Buck with the receiver lining up on the right side instead of the left side, he will call “Right 121 Buck”. 

This tells the receiver to line up on the right.

In another example, if coach Weathersby calls for 929 Buck, and coach wants to flip his receiver to the left, he will simply call for “Left 929 Buck”.

Right and Left Wing-T Formation

As referenced above, the left and right calls before the 3 digit play call relate to the alignment of the X receiver. This is the most simple formation variation that Triton implements.

Wing-T Tight Formation 

Wing-T Tight Formation

The next formation is Tight. In a perfect world the offense doesn’t want to use this mre than it’s needed. Ideally, they want to have their X receiver put his hand in the dirt and run this double tight look but that isn’t always the case.

Year-to-year Triton may have to sub in a tight personnel package to get some better blocking on the field which can tip the offense’s hand as to what they’re doing. While this isn’t the perfect scenario, it's okay because it still gives the offense more answers depending on how the defense adjusts.

Loose Wing-T Formation Tag

Wing-T Loose Formation

Loose is how Triton begins to widen the defense. This formation calls for a flexed out tight end who is their best route runner and makes the defense respect the pass. While Triton does throw a lot out of this formation, it is also a great way for them to remove 2 defenders from the box in the run game.

The Wing-T Spread Formation

Wing-T Spread Formation

Next up is spread formation. This formation works really well against defenses that like to declare the strong side of the formation based off of the alignment of the TE. If they do this it indicates that they’re preparing to stop Buck or Trap and then the offense can play games with the box players by running weak runs. 

Wing-T Tackle Over Unbalanced Heavy Formation

Heavy Formation Wing-THeavy is how this Wing-T offense makes an even formation unbalanced. Here, the tackle moves over and makes the defense count and determine if they need to slide gaps over or not.

At the High School level, making the defense reactive and not proactive is a super power that not every offense can get to in their playbook. Making players think and play slower is a big win for the offense.

Wing-T "Pals" Formation Tag

Wing-T Pals FormationPals places the wide receiver and the TE on the same side of the ball and their splits are close enough to hold hands. This allows the offense to call Pals right or Pals left depending on what hash they’re on or what area of the field they want to attack.

This is another tackle over formation that makes the defense slow and adds yet another wrinkle on their plate. 

This also takes guys out of the box and makes the defense’s numbers in the run game lighter than they’d like to be.

The defense has to respect the WR and TE by putting someone out there to cover them because of how easy it would be to throw a smoke screen or simple passing concept for cheap yards.

Want More?

Check out the entire 8-part series on the Traditional Wing-T Offense HERE