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The Wing-T Numbering System: How It Works

Posted by Gavin Southworth on

Everyone has a different way to call plays, but the Wing-T numbering system has stood the test of time for decades.

Coach David Weathersby of Triton High School (NC) is one of the most successful coaches in the country at running the traditional Wing-T offense.

Coach Weathersby’s Wing-T system has led his conference in rushing in each of his 5 seasons at Triton, and even set a school record for the most total offense in a single season during 2022.

Today we’re going to take a look at how coach Weathersby numbers his Wing-T system, and all of the intricacies that are associated with this important method of offensive simplification. 

This article and video is taken directly from Coach Weathersby's incredible presentation: Traditional Wing-T 101: The Complete Series

Watch the video or scroll down to learn more.

The Wing-T Numbering System

When calling his plays, coach Weathersby likes to say that “he doesn’t reinvent the wheel,” and this is how he learned to number the Wing-T offense during his formative days as a coach in the Delaware Wing-T numbering system.

This numbering system can be a little bit different than some variations of traditional numbering where hole numbers are always odd and even. Coach Weathersby and his staff do not do this.

Triton implements a 3 number play calling system that’s really simple and what coach Weathersby calls “life changing,” once you’re able to grasp the concept. 

Delaware Wing-T Numbering System

The first number that is used is the number 1. This number refers to the offensive formation. The second number refers to the series. The third number refers to the hole.

For example, if the coach calls for 121 Buck Sweep to the right, the first 1 refers to 1st formation. The 2 refers to the designated series number, in this case buck. And the second 1 refers to the hole number. 

So in total, 121 refers to Buck Sweep from 1st formation going into the 1 hole. 

Additional play verbiage can be added here to add wrinkles into the play such as motions or shifts as well as simplifications. In this case, the coach tags the word “buck” onto the end of the call just to ensure that everyone knows that the play is buck sweep.

Want more?

Watch more clips from Coach Weathersby's incredible presentation on The Traditional Wing-T 101 HERE.